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mineral spring 礦泉。

mineral tar

Mineral spring water active factor with curing effect is used , which can eliminate skin fatigue and injuries of skin gained in the daytime effectively , enhance the biological rhythm of skin at night , promote the renewal of skin cells , offer intensive moisturizing at night , provide skin with the most effective care at night , relieve skin stress instantly , and leave skin soft and active again on the next day 采用了具有修復作用的礦泉水活性物質,它能有效消除肌膚在日間積累的疲勞及傷害,加強肌膚夜間生物節律,促使肌膚細胞更新及提供高強度的夜間補水,給肌膚最有效的夜間呵護,皮膚緊張即得到減輕,達到最佳舒服柔軟的效果,并于次日即回復肌膚活力。

Set off to five great chain lakes by bus , have lunch after arriving , visit old - aged volcanic lava volcano : underground ice river , snow world , frost flowers , ice and snow art , enjoy the winter in summer ; ice cave ( appreciate ice crystal , ice art , ice light ) ; visit famous cold spring : long life garden ( springs , mineral spring shower , sun shower , wild animals , spring square , etc . ) , yishen garden ( yishen pavilion drinking spring , go fishing , go boating , see butterflies , lilac garden , etc 早乘車赴五大連池,抵達后午餐,游覽老期火山熔巖洞:地下冰河:參觀白雪世界,熔巖洞內欣賞霜花,冰雪雕,體驗夏季里的冬天;冰洞(盛夏時節,地下熔巖洞欣賞冰晶奇觀,冰雕,冰燈) ;游覽世界著名冷礦泉:長壽園(世界名泉、神泉舊址、棄石丟病、礦泉浴場、日光浴場、花卉濕地、野生動物展示園、泉之韻廣場等) 、益身園(玄武巖牌樓、益身亭、北飲泉、長廊、藥泉湖垂釣、北苑賞葦、熔巖臺地、泉湖蕩舟、泉湖浴場、火山絕蝶棲息地、丁香園等) 。

The high iodine value , high ccl4 adsorption intensity , the high mechanicalstrength , mainly uses in except the dehydration in the bacterium , theorganic matter pollution and so on , uses in the water depthpurification , disinfection antiseptic processing , applies to pure foodproducts factory , the pharmaceutical manufacturing plant and so onwater works , mineral spring water works , brewery water qualitypurification and the power plant waits till the process water thedepth purification 高碘值,高的亞蘭吸附力,高機械強度,主要用于除去水中細菌、農藥殘留、氯離子、有機物污染等,用于水的深度凈化,消毒滅菌處理,應用于純水廠、礦泉水廠、啤酒廠等食品廠、制藥廠的水質凈化及發電廠等到工業用水的深度凈化。

At first , the author has especially narrated geology and landform characteristics , scene genetic mechanisms and exploitation conditions of hailuogou glacier park , introduced the characteristics of tourism resources , such as the extensive , low modern glacier above sea level , the virgin forest of the large area and the hot mineral spring of the large flow , and appraised synthetically the tourism resources , then analyzed exploitation conditions and main problems 文章首先重點敘述了海螺溝冰川公園的地質、地貌特征、成景機制及開發條件;詳細介紹了以大規模、低海拔的現代冰川、大面積的原始森林和大流量的熱礦泉等為代表的景觀資源特色,并對此進行了綜合評價;深入分析了冰川公園的開發現狀與旅游可持續發展面臨的主要問題。

The product can assist the repairing the dry cells ; the whitening factors , under the conduction of natural mineral spring , can penetrate into base skin , gradually release the whitening ingredients , whiten the skin while completely moisturizing the skin thus enabling the skin to achieve tender , and gradually fade the marks , white and bright 幫助肌膚提高儲水能力,達到補充肌膚水份,修護乾燥肌膚的作用,美白成份在天然礦泉引導下,深入肌膚底層,并逐步釋放美白成份,補水的同時美肌膚,淡化斑點,實現肌膚美白, ?到水嫩白亮的理想肌膚。

With the promotion of natural mineral spring , acne and marks removing factor , the production easily penetrate into the deep pores , restrain propionibacterium acnes , remove comedones , peel dead cells and repair the damaged skin without any marks , thus enabling the skin to appear white , moist and bright 在天然礦泉的帶動下,清豆去印因子更易深入皮脂分泌旺盛的毛孔深處,清除黑頭粉刺,去除死皮,不留疤痕,有助減退豆豆印痕,使粗糙肌膚變得白潤亮澤。

Blow - molding different capacities of the medicine bottle , beverage bottle , mineral spring water bottle , health products bottle , the cosmetics bottle , peanut oil drum , etc . 吹制各種容量的醫藥用瓶、飲料瓶、礦泉水瓶、保健品瓶、化妝品瓶、花生油桶等;

Hotel owns about 190 of internationl standard , with over 400 berths . rooms supplies the natural mineral spring hot water in 24 hours service 賓館現有國際標準客房190套,床位400多張,客房全天24小時提供天然地熱礦泉浴水。

He supposes there is in the neighborhood of the house he has bought a mineral spring equal to those at bagneres , luchon , and cauterets 他認為在他所買的那座房子附近,有一道象巴尼里斯羅春和卡德斯那樣的溫泉。

A . german standard methods for the examination of water , waste water and sludge ; general information group a ; sampling of water from mineral springs and spas 德國對水.廢水和淤泥的統一檢驗方法.總則

In 2005 , bossdun professional man skin care , shampoo , bath and mineral spring clear product series were grandly launched in the market 2005年,波斯頓專業男士護理、洗發、沐浴及礦泉舒爽系列隆重上市。

Determination of f , cl , br , no3 , so42 ions in drinking water from natural mineral spring by reversed hplc 飲用天然礦泉水中氟氯溴離子和硝酸根硫酸根含量的反相高效液相色譜法測定

The antural mineral spring can promote whitening & moisturizing factor and can easily penetrate into the skin 天然礦泉能促進美白補水因子更易深人肌膚底層。

Tianjin ; thermal mineral waters ; medical mineral springs ; natural drinking mineral springs 天津熱礦水醫療礦泉天然飲用礦泉

Stainless steel mineral spring pump 不銹鋼礦泉水泵

The spa was built in roman times around hot mineral springs 該溫泉是在羅馬時代在熱礦泉附近修建起來的。

The gloomy skies and the sulphurous odors from the mineral springs seemed to bode evil to those who settled in the area . 陰暗的天空,礦泉中的硫磺味,這一切對這里的居民來說似乎預示著災難降臨。